Croeso i wefan

Cylch Meithrin Criccieth

Welcomes you to their website!


Rhif cofrestru / Registration Number: CYM00003547                                                       Rhif Elusen / Charity Number: 1196772

Rydym ni yn derbyn plant 2-4 oed.

Blaenoriaeth Cylch Meithrin Criccieth yw hapusrwydd a diogelwch pob plentyn. Rydym yn ymfalchio mewn ddarparu gofal plant ac addysg o safon uchel – cynigir y gofal gorau posib mewn awyrgylch hapus a chartrefol, a chyfle i bob plentyn ddysgu trwy chwarae a datblygu i’w llawn botensial.   

We accept children from ages 2-4 years old.

 Cylch Meithrin Criccieth’s priority is the happiness and safety of each child. We pride ourselves in providing quality childcare and education– our homely and happy environment offers the best possible care, and the chance for each child to learn and to develop to their full potential.  

Oriau Agor / Opening Times

o Medi 2024 ymlaen / From Sept 2024 

Dydd Llun - Dydd Gwener

8.00-9.00 - Clwb cyn cylch

9.00-11.00 - Cylch Meithrin

11.00-13.00 - Clwb Cinio

13.00-15.00 - Meithrin Mwy

15.00-18.00 - Clwb ar ol ysgol

Monday - Friday

8.00-9.00 Before Cylch club

9.00-11.00 - Cylch Meithrin

11.00-13.00 - Lunch Club

13.00-15.00 - Meithrin Mwy

15.00-18.00 - After school club

Ble rydym ni? 

Where are we?

Ysgol Treferthyr, 

Ffordd Pwllheli, 


LL52 0RR


Atodiadau Defnyddiol / Useful Links